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JUNE 1-30, 2014


What better way to spend Father's Day, than to head out on a run with your Dad?  This June, spend some quality time with your family while also benefiting a great cause!
Choose between the 5k/10k/Half Marathon and complete your distance at your own pace any time during the month of June.  You can split up the distance, or complete all at once, and also choose where you run-- whether at the park, your neighborhood or on the treadmill at the gym.
Each participant will be emailed a personalized bib to wear while they complete the designated distance.
Each participant will also be mailed a medal to wear proudly after competing in this virtual race run/walk!

This event will benefit Athletes for a Cure for the Prostate Cancer Foundation.  50% of all proceeds will be donated to this organization.  Athletes for a Cure is a fundraising and awareness program of the Prostate Cancer Foundation.  


More than 16 million men are fighting the disease globally, as Prostate Cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in America, affecting 1 in 6 men.  While many advances in the field have been made, and men with prostate cancer are living longer, too many men still die and too many families still suffer.  


Prostate Cancer Foundation is the leading philanthropic organization funding and accelerating research globally, as well as the primary source for new standard-of-care and research information.  


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