The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Make a difference by staying active

AUGUST 2-9, 2014

International Assistance Dog week takes place the beginning of August, and we'd like to take this time to hold an event for an inspiring organization. And feel free to bring your dog along for this one!
Choose between the 5k/10k/Half Marathon and complete your distance at your own pace any time between August 2-9th. You can split up the distance, or complete all at once, and also choose where you run-- whether at the park, your neighborhood or on the treadmill at the gym.
Each participant will be emailed a personalized bib to wear while they complete the designated distance.
Each participant will also be mailed a medal to wear proudly after competing in this virtual race run/walk!
This virtual race will benefit Canines for Disabled Kids.
SDK is a non-profit organization helping to connect children with the service dog that can best help them overcome limitations caused by a variety of disabilities while helping communities to be welcoming and supportive of the special canine tools being used.
In an effort to enhance the education and independence of children with disabilities across the USA, CDK started to provide scholarships to help cover some of the training cost. Since 1998; CDK has sponsored over 130 service dogs, dogs that can help children with different disabilities; some with their parents as facilitators, or supervisors, and others independently. By providing needed funding to the training organization, CDK was able to increase the number of children being accepted for service dogs and has been able to reduce the wait time for many of these children to between 3 months and 1 year, rather than 2 years or more.